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Jewel in Cambodia Scarves for Cambodia Journals for the Journey

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Oh. My. Goodness.

I leave for Cambodia in 9 days.

NINE days.

I'm overwhelmed.

There's still so much to do -

--- Visa pictures.

--- Figuring out how to get my malaria and other prescriptions without a doctor's appoint.

--- Shopping.

--- Packing.

--- Figuring what I can live without since I already have a full suitcase of Christmas presents and I can only take one suitcase (or pay $55 for a second.)

Meanwhile, I have exams on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

I also work 12 hours during exams.

My Ohio family is visiting this weekend.

The day before I leave, I have family Christmas in the morning, and family Christmas in the afternoon.

I only have 3 Christmas presents for my family of 8.

There are still so many people I want to spend time with before I go.

Again, I leave for Cambodia in 9 days.

NINE days.

Somehow, I'll get it all done. (What doesn't get done, will be forgotten.)

Most memorable Christmas ever?

I'm pretty sure it will be.

Thank you Jesus for being with me every step


sara said...

praying for you!! And praying God will give you good time management! I'm sorry I haven't commented in a while...I am reading, just no time to comment!! :)

Faith said... are going to Cambodia?? is this for a short term missions trip?? best to you and merry Christmas...