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Monday, November 14, 2011

5 years blogging!

Between a wedding and honeymoon, working 3 jobs, being a new wife, and moving into our new apartment, I have had LITTLE-TO-NO time to blog in the past few weeks and I am so disappointed about that.  I have been blogging regularly for just over FIVE years now and to think about all that I have written about on here.. all that has happened in these FIVE years... WOW!  To be honest: I blog for myself, but it definitely makes me feel proud and loved to know that others enjoy reading my blog (even if it's only occasionally!)

So much has happened in only the last week of my life.  God has been so real and faithful to me this week, reminding me that He is Sovereign (Isaiah 45:9) that He has complete authority - and I trust that He will continue to provide and to guide.

Last Sunday morning, I found my gas tank empty. I was so frustrated having to stop and get gas on the way home from church, and angry at myself for accidentally filling the tank (I got distracted *flirting with my husband.*)  On Monday afternoon, gas went up 22 cents!  I laughed at myself for being so frustrated and I thanked God for the blessing of an opportunity to fill my tank before the price jumped.

Last Friday, my favorite Uncle Tom passed away suddenly.  A few days later I was working at Cracker Barrel -- having an almost-miserable time encountering difficulties that slowed down my ability to finish my side-work before I could clock out and go home -- and a co-worker told me that my Aunt Regina (Uncle Tom's wife) and Aunt Janie were there and asking for me.  I was then grateful that I was STILL at work and able to spend some precious moments with them before the craziness of the viewing and funeral.

My twin sis Jessie also received a blessing in her own frustrations.  On Friday, she was trying to buy airline tickets and kept getting error messages that her credit card was being denied.  On Saturday, she was able to buy her tickets for $200 cheaper than Friday's price!

Today I am thankful for reminders of God's faithfulness and sovereignty, and I hope that I am blessed by reading this blog in five more years!
Love love love,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mrs. Romdenh

After a crazy, stressful week of working, decorating, shopping, picking up groomsmen at the airport, etc., our wedding finally came and it was beautiful!  Of course not everything went right and I had to let go of getting some things done, but overall... I wouldn't have changed a thing!  There were a few special people missing... wishing our family and "family" in Cambodia could have attended or been more represented.. but we had it videotaped especially for them.

I'm still waiting on pictures from our photographer (who did a WONDERFUL job!!! Seriously the best...) but here are some "behind the scenes" pictures from before the wedding.
LOVE the broach bouquet that my sweet friend Michele made; I didn't see it until a few hours before the wedding.
Loved every moment of pre-wedding Wedding Day spent with my girls!
Packing for our honeymoon.. at the church.. right before the wedding.   Procrastinate much??

After I finished packing for the honeymoon, I made our wedding slide show.  This all took place only hours before the wedding!

Many many thanks to Andrea for numerous things, including doing my make-up.

How many people does it take to dress a bride?

How many people does it take to dress a baby?

Green Bridesmaids' dresses... Bronze MOB dress

Love love love,