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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness: Days 4 and 5

30 Days of Thankfulness
Day Four: Nurse Mom
Today, I am thankful that my mom is a nurse. Nurses make the best moms! That was especially true when I was little, but its still true today!
Day Five: Work
Today, I am thankful for my job. I don't love it everyday... and that's all I will say about that.. HOWEVER, it really is a huge blessing to our little, growing Romdenh family. It pays enough. I get a good amount of sick and vacation time as well as paid holidays. They are paying for Titus to go to school. The health insurance is good. I have made great friends in my office. My boss might be crazy, but he might just also be the perfect boss for me. With so many people not able to find work, I am really thankful for a good job at a really great place. PS: It sure beats the months that I worked three jobs (waitress, church janitor, and daycare worker) before Titus came to America!


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