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Friday, February 17, 2012

My Best Friend

Romdenh Chamnol: He's my husband and my best friend

We had such a wonderful time celebrating our first Valentines Day together.  I came home from work [30 minutes early... yay!] and found 10 big helium balloons in our bed, a big homemade "I love you" sign (I love that he does homemade!) and a sweet card hanging from one of the balloons.  I had no idea what to expect from him, and I was beautifully surprised.  I made him a "52 Things I Love About You" book made out of a deck of playing cards and a a magnetic Scrabble board to hang in the kitchen (for sweet love notes.)  Then we dressed up and went to Hong Kong Chinese Restaraunt.. had Starbucks.. and watched Biggest Loser with my mom. :)

At dinner, Titus asked me what other "firsts" we still have to experience together.  Experiencing so many things together for the first time has been fun and interesting

- our first road trip (to New York to meet Jessie)
- our first trip to the grocery store
- our first date!
- the first time Titus saw "the changing of leaves" (he thought the colorful leaves were flowers!)
- the first time Titus held the trashcan while I threw up (haha!)
- Titus' first extended family gather
- the first time Titus saw his breath
- Titus' first Thanksgiving and his first Christmas in America
- Titus' first taco
- moving into our first apartment
- our first walk
- etc. etc. etc.

And there are still so many more things to experience!  I am anxious for the "bigger things" but trying to recognize and appreciate all the little things that are happening daily.

- his first Independance Day
- our first Family Camp and Married Couples Retreat together
- celebrating our birthdays together!
- our first vacation
- our first summer
- our first BABY!
- etc. etc. etc.

Life is interesting.  Life is not always fun, but I love it!

Love love love,
Mrs. Romdenh Chamnol

1 comment:

Loren said...

i love this! makes me so excited for married life!