It's been an interesting trip so far. I had no idea what to expect. When I flew in I was a little worried about connecting with Geovanni and Christine and our ride (Aunt Sheree) from the airport, but it was very easy and I landed at a gate just 10 away from Geovanni & Christine in the same terminal - no problems at all. Their plane was late, so I anxiously waited an additional hour (3 hours total). As I sat on a bench close to Geovanni and Christine's gate I noticed a woman pacing at the same gate, and an hour later she sat and asked me if I was Jewel. It was our ride! We stayed 2 night at George's (missionary to Ecuador) brother's house in a suburb of Kansas City. We basically did nothing at the house for 2 days except rest and talk and eat. The homeowners worked until 6pm, so day 1 we sat in these stranger's homes.. we didn't know them.. they didn't know us. We were quite hesitant to make ourselves at home, but eventually it came easier. We made 1 venture to Wal-Mart with Sheree's (missionary) aunt, Aunt Sheree. Geovanni has never been to Wal-Mart.. has never been to America, so I helped him find nice shorts and jeans in his size. Jael (Geovanni & Christine's 3-year-old daughter) has attached to me, and will no longer allow Christine or Geovanni to do certain things like fix her hair, or strap her into her car seat. It's only been 2.5 days.. so it's still fun! My Spanish-speaking abilities have been greatly challenged as Geovanni refuses to attempt his English, and Christine refuses to translate so I can learn and get better. Yesterday evening we walked about 1 mile to a beautiful little park (I know.. I haven't taken ANY pictures yet!) and I played with Jael. They have never seen squirrels before -- culture shock! Jael was so funny at the park because the other children were speaking English, and she understands some, but doesn't agree that anyone else should be speaking English, especially me! We drove 3 hours today from Nick and Stephanie's house to Hutchinson. We are staying in a really nice hotel called Grand Prairie Hotel and Convention Center for a big conference of the Kansas district of the Wesleyan District. There are alot of people here! There is a
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