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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Yes, I have life

Hello from Mozambique, Africa! You remember that I promised I would blog when the internet was accessible. Well, I have been here since May 7th and I am just now blogging! I could tell you 100s of things, but I'm having a difficult time deciding where to start.

I'll start here: I'm doing well! I haven't really been sick, but the first three I had a very difficult time sleeping through the night. When I am in the communities, the food is a bigger challenge than I anticipated it would be... but I manage and I am gracious. It has been emotional to remember my grandparents as missionaries here in Africa, especially my Granddad who was [and is] my hero. I have been sad as I remember him, proud to carry his legacy, and passionate as I preach in his spirit!

Africa is so beautiful - the people and the land. My living arrangements are right on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and at the right time of day you can hear the waves crashing into the natural sandstone barrier that protects the shore from Great Whites.

Sunrise at Kruger National Park - South Africa

More than anything, I have loved the time spent with the people. The language barrier has been difficult, but I am usually able to manage. There are two primary languages: Portuguese and Tsanga. Portuguese and Spanish are similar enough that I have a general understanding. Tsanga is much more difficult; in fact, aside from the very basic greetings, the only Tsanga I know is actually three songs I have learned in church.

Cultivating onions with Mario at the Bible College

With my main man Mo (Irashmo) and Joao
in the traditional African ladies' attire - a capalana

In summary, I have done about one million and one things here. Including: painting the exterior of a kitchen, singing and preaching in chapel, cooking fish and rice on a makeshift fire under a tree, making cement blocks, coloring pictures, digging a well, and sharing salvation at a witch doctor's house. Yes, I have many many stories that I'll be sure to share in the coming weeks.

The internet is dreadfully slow and I have already wasted too much time waiting, so I'm going to say chau chau for now and promise to write at least one more time before I return June 21st.


Tonja said...

So glad to hear from you, my dear! Sounds as if you are getting a real workout. In my experience, there is always much to be done on the mission field...and not enough people OR time OR money to get it done. But, I've also found that every little bit helps. God's blessings on all that you are doing. He can take it and multiply it...and He will! Be safe!

Keetha Broyles said...

I love the picture of you squatting down in the onion patch.

I LOVE the sunset picture.

I love you!

Jessie said...

Ahh how awesome to hear from you. I love hearing what you're doing and about your time with the people. I love the pic of you with those 2 kids. Cherish that!
Love you. Praying for you!