If you're looking for a good story, this will be a good post to read!!
Background:: Shortly after Mother's Day, while I was in Cambodia, my grandmom got very ill. She was taken to the hospital, and her body was filled with infection, her kidneys had failed. She spent a few days in the intensive care unit, and finally came home a week later. So the pre-cursor to the story is: Grandmom has been very sick, but is growing stronger and improving. You should also know that I love my grandmom very much; she is very very dear to me.
So here is the story: Thursday afternoon I was at Pine Lake with Fairmount Camp and I received a text from an unknown number. The text read something like "Jewel, I'm sorry about your grandmother's passing. We are out of state. Please tell your mother & family that you are in our prayers." LET ME TELL YOU -- A TEXT MESSAGE IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO LEARN THAT YOUR GRANDMOM HAS DIED.
I freaked out. I was standing talking to friends, and I quickly handed my sister my phone and I sat in the grass and started to sob. Jessie got out her phone to call home, and I texted this mystery person back and said, "I'm sorry I don't know who you are, but I hadn't heard the news yet."
Jessie talked to Mom and asked what they were doing. Mom said her and Dad were getting ready to leave the house, Jessie asked where and Mom said Lowes. Jessie thought that wasn't right, so she shared with Mom what we had just learned. Well Mom wasn't sure what to think, but knew it wasn't true because she had already been at Grandmom's 3 times earlier that day, and Grandmom is fine!
So I texted the person back and told them that it was a very mean joke. Just a few minutes later, our youth pastor asked me how my day was going. I chuckled a little with tears still in my eyes, and told him the story.
He said "Wow, I should have told you." I said, "HA excuse me what?" Well evidently rumors have spread that our grandmom died. My grandmom's name is Jane Ache and another woman named Mary Achor just died, and evidently our prayer bulletin was either printed wrong or was read wrong.
Grandmom hasn't been to church since Mother's Day, but she plans to go tomorrow morning. It should be interesting for those that have believed she died earlier this week.
Needless to say, I'm glad the rumors aren't true!!!
Oh, - - - I'd LOVE to see the faces of those at church tomorrow who thought she had died when she walks in the door.
A few years ago I got a phone call from my dad asking if I felt ok. I said, sure why? He said they had just gotten a phone call offering sympathy about MY DEATH. Well - - - I can tell you I was and am still very much alive, just like your Grandma!!!
Jessica was telling me this story on the way home from camp. Wow!! So what did you g-ma thing about it? ~Jaye
haha Yes Brian heard the story firsthand just a few minutes after I got the phone call. Well Grandmom laughed and said "oh dear."
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