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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Visiting bebe Jayden!

Last Thursday Jessie and I went to Gerson and Betsy's house to meet Jayden (and Gerson too!) I've been praying for this little boy for a very long time and he has been growing strong! He is about 5.5 months old now, and has only been out of the hospital for 3 weeks, and weighs just more than 9 pounds. He looks like a young little baby, but he is very alert and active! His fists and legs are very strong, and his eyes are big and beautiful!

I'm finishing exams now, and preparing for Cambodia TWELVE days, but I look forward to spending lots of time with Jayden this summer. =)

Jayden, born November 11

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm glad you got to meet the little sweetie!!!