We go on car trips and I can be asleep before we are out of town or on the interstate. I am also known to fall asleep in Indiana and not wake up until at least Tennessee. I have even slept on a pool table twice, and once without a pillow. Occasionally I catch myself asleep at breakfast in the cafeteria, scrambled eggs slipping off my fork, eyes watching. I can sleep with the lights on, with a movie playing, or people chattering. I can sleep on floors and in strangers' beds. Just this afternoon I sat on the edge of some landscaping between classes to enjoy the beautiful weather; I found myself asleep in the grass a few minutes later.
But I did something else this afternoon that I have never done.
I slept through a test. No, not like I took a power nap and forgot to set an alarm, or accidentally fell asleep in the grass and woke up too late, but I slept WHILE I was taking the test.
I propped my elbow on the table, rested my chin in my palm, and fell asleep somewhere between questions 40 and 45.