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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Gift of Sleep

Have I told you that I have the gift of sleep? It's true.

We go on car trips and I can be asleep before we are out of town or on the interstate. I am also known to fall asleep in Indiana and not wake up until at least Tennessee. I have even slept on a pool table twice, and once without a pillow. Occasionally I catch myself asleep at breakfast in the cafeteria, scrambled eggs slipping off my fork, eyes watching. I can sleep with the lights on, with a movie playing, or people chattering. I can sleep on floors and in strangers' beds. Just this afternoon I sat on the edge of some landscaping between classes to enjoy the beautiful weather; I found myself asleep in the grass a few minutes later.

(This wouldn't surprise my family.)

But I did something else this afternoon that I have never done.

I slept through a test. No, not like I took a power nap and forgot to set an alarm, or accidentally fell asleep in the grass and woke up too late, but I slept WHILE I was taking the test.

I propped my elbow on the table, rested my chin in my palm, and fell asleep somewhere between questions 40 and 45.


Andrea said...

Oh NO! That is really tired!
Blessings, andrea

Tonja said...

I do hope you woke up in time to finish! Bless your heart!

Laura said...

I'm with you Jewel- sleep is amazing...I've realized that more and more since I've been pregnant. I recently started a new blog, and if you want to shoot me an email ( I'll send you an invite!