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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Words of Advice

In response to my "Confessions of wedding planning" post, my dear second cousin Maria shared these awesome words of advice. [I translated this in my own words, but it's Maria's message.]
The wedding is only a few hours; the marriage last significantly longer. Take a break from colors and little wedding details, and spend time reading genuinely good books about healthy relationships and marriage. Spend time planning the marriage, not just the wedding. Also, enjoy your remaining time of being single and having no responsibility of being wife or mother.
When we get engaged we think of nothing but the wedding, when we get pregnant we think of nothing but the birth, when we're in school we think of nothing but the graduation. In truth, life isn't all about the significant points, the majority of our LIFE is the process of getting to those points. If life consists mostly of the process, I need to not forget to enjoy the inbetween times.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."

We're getting married!!!

Does anyone have any suggestions for genuinely good books about healthy relationships and marriage?

Thank you, Maria.

Love love love, Jewel
the future Mrs. Romdenh Chamnol


Deven said...

We received The Act of Marriage as a gift from a friend. We read it together on our honeymoon, but since it's about sex, there may be some cultural sensitivities to look into.

Jessie said...

Guys are Waffles, Girls are Spaghetti - Eastman, Farrel & Farrel

Sacred Marriage - Gary Thomas

Jessie said...

Not that I'm married or anything, haha.

Jessie said...
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Bethany said...

have you read The Five Love Languages? Great book.