Missionaries to Cambodia, Tim & Tiffany Gallant
Tim with children in Kampong Speu, CAM
Tiffany & I on an elephant at Angkor Watt in Seam Reap, CAM
Tim and Tiffany have been in Cambodia since July/August of 2006, and they are preparing to depart in October for a yearlong furlough. In a Buddhist country, Tim and Tiffany have faced a great spiritual war. Just days ago, Tim and Tiffany moved into a new apartment. On day 1 the interior of their apartment was flooded with 5" of rain, with an 8" flood on the exterior, and rain still pouring from the sky. That was Monday. On Thursday, just 5 weeks after their previous house was broken into, they were robbed again and the thieves took the ministry money that was hidden throughout their house.
In their Aug 23 blog they write this: "In the middle of all of this trouble, we still know that God is good and that His Will is for us to be here in Cambodia. We continue to strive forward in encouraging the national leadership and the pastors. We continue to supervise the construction of the new WBI Building. We continue to trust in Him, to have confidence in Him, because we know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is always dependable."
Please pray for these missionaries to Cambodia. They are not only incredible friends, but they are incredible servants and missionaries. Tim and Tiffany are very dear to my heart. Satan is attacking them because he knows that they are winning many battles for God's Kingdom.
You can read their blog here:: Gallant Gazette.
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