For maybe 5 years my church, Brookhaven Wesleyan, has annually had an event called "Round-Up Sunday" with the purpose to round-up friends, family, neighbors, people who do not usually attend church, and bring them on Sunday morning. With that title, for 4-5 years it has held a western theme. Many or most come to church in cowboy attire (jeans, flannel, boots, hats, hankies) and there is usually a cheesy western skit at the opening of the service. Brookhaven has been juggling changes, and this year instead of "Round-Up Sunday" we held "Support Your Home Team Sunday" and many came in jerseys, polos, and t-shirts for their favorite sports team. The sanctuary was flooded with Colts blue! Following the service, we had a carry-in dinner (Brookhaven always does this so well) and 3 inflatable games (also an annual tradition.) Here are a couple pictures from last Sunday afternoon::
Ben Brown
Jessie and Pastor Bob preparing themselves for the count to three and the race through the inflated caterpillar.
Coach preparing himself to face Pastor Tony on another inflated game.
Jessie & Morgan Janofski -- they are both so cute!
Miss Elle in her pink Colts jersey - Almost every game I go to Elle's house to watch the Colts
Great idea!!
Love your Joseph Addai jersey
Too bad our Colts couldn't win today.
I'm afraid this may be one long and painful season - - - -
The girl in the Addai jersey is actually my twin sister, Jessie. I have a white Harrison jersey, but it wasn't a great picture day for me. ;)
Tonight was a stressing game...
Look at Jessie in her jersey --- she must be a huge fan! ya.
Sister, don't get me started..
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