1 dozen random questions for Wednesday:
1. Please share one middle school memory. It can be good, bad, ugly, funny. Pictures or words, I don't care, just share.
I don’t have any jr. high pictures to upload, I wish I did… I’m sure they would be a treat. But a story? Memories include being only 1 of 2 girls on the soccer team; reading Tuck Everlasting with an amazing English teacher, Miss Bennett and making cell diagrams with Mrs. Broyles.
2. What's your favorite Beatles song?
Hey Jude and here is why: This is a YouTube video of an adorable young Asian boy doing a wonderful rendition of the song
3. If I asked you to describe your most comfortable outfit, what would it be?
Sweats are so comfortable, but I really can’t let myself be seen in them outside of the dorm, so the most comfortable outfit you will likely see me in is blue jeans and a t-shirt.
4. Would you rather host a party or be a guest?
With the exception of those stressful times, I would rather hosts. I love cleaning the house in preparation for company.. waiting for the arrivals.. making sure everyone is comfortable and having fun. I love being a guest too!
5. Do you think we will move completely from traditional books to digital ones, and if we do, are you OK with that?
It wouldn’t surprise me but I don’t see it in the near future. It was disappoint me, and not because I don’t like change (ok maybe a little!), but because I love sitting down with a good book (and I don’t want to print it off the internet!)
6. Do you learn best by reading, listening or experiencing?
Experience – and it has taught me so much!
7. If you are (or when you were) single, what is the kiss of death for you concerning the opposite sex? (That is, what is one trait or behavior or habit or anything at all that immediately turns you off from considering that person a potential match for you?)
I really cannot tolerate a dirty mouth (referring to bad language not bad breath!) I’m also turned off by smoking and other various immoral activities.
8. Snacks. Salty or sweet?
Sweet! Cookies, ice cream, white gummy bears… but peanut butter is my ultimate fave, and that leans more towards salty.
9. Look around you in a 4’ radius. What object is around you that you didn't realize was there or forgot was there? How long has it been there?
Considering I just moved into my dorm 3.5 weeks ago, I still know where most of my things are. HOWEVER, I just realized that my bulletin board apparently fell of my wall cause it's sitting on my bed. Sad!
10. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?
You know… I wouldn’t even recognize Cruise if I saw his picture. I love movies and I have a huge collection, but I don’t “follow” actors and actresses. So here is what I did: I went to http://www.imbd.com/ and searched Tom Cruise, and while I recognize the titles of at least 15 of his 30+ movies, I haven’t seen one of them!
11. You buy a bottle of shampoo and discover that you don't like what it does to your hair at all. What do you do with that full bottle?
This has never happened to me. I have found three that I like, and I rotate brands when I buy a new bottle. I suppose though, that I would ask my friends if they use the particular shampoo, and give it to them.
12. Your favorite Fall comfort food? (Last week it was beverage.)
Sweet potato casserole or pumpkin rolls! I also love carved turkey, sliced ham, mashed potatoes, green beans with sliced almonds, rolls with strawberry jam, and pumpkin pie! Mmm.. Thanksgiving!

Your fall foods pictures is positively delicious looking!!! Mmmm...if only I hadn't just eaten lunch...
pumpkin rolls sound wonderful.
good post
That little boy was adorable. Amazing he knew all the words and sung the tune.
I'm now craving a full out turkey dinner.
Can't go wrong with blue jeans and a tee shirt! For me, that runs a close second to my shorts and a tee shirt! LOL
That Thanksgiving meal sounds so good!
I can see books going more and more digital, but I hope they never do completely.
Thanks for stopping by my blog for Random Dozen.
I always love it when I see new folks in my comments.
Great RD.
Have blessed weekend!
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