I found out yesterday afternoon that my friend Nick (21-yrs) has been diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukemia. Nick and I were best friends through school - second grade through graduation; through elementary, junior high, and high school - that's like an eternity! Let's be honest: I'm shocked, I'm upset, and I'm worried.
The day before his diagnosis he walked into the doctors office with chest pain and some strange rashes on his legs. His doctor did some blood work, and quickly he was sent to a cancer center, and in the same day was admitted to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. Now he has been moved to Riley Children's Hospital. After six blood draws, two cat-scans, three x-rays, an ultrasound, and a bone marrow biopsy, he found out that he had leukemia -- hours before it had only been chest pain and a rash. Apparently 'acute' refers to the relatively short time course of the disease (ie. being fatal in as little as a few weeks if left untreated); I thought 'acute' meant it was less in severity.
He seems positive and as of yesterday afternoon when I spoke to him, he said he was feeling fine. His leukemia is very treatable, but it's going to be a rough road ahead.
I wish I knew what I could do. What is there to do?? I want to be there for him. I want to be there for his family. I promised Nick I would pray for him every single day until he beats this.
Please keep Nick and the Pattengale family in your prayers.
Me, Phillipe, and Nick on the plane to Texas
Nick and I at graduation
Nick, me, and Phillipe in Ecuador
Friday evening, after I didn't get my nap, twin sis Jess and I babysat 14 kids. Ages 13 months through 10 years. After all the parents left, I looked at Jess and said Here we go! and then we started our rounds between the three play areas. The baby wasn't fussy. No one fought. The little ones never got whiney, even at 11pm. It was a good night! I actually had fun!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That is a rough diagnosis but it sounds like his team is getting a jump on it, so that's good. Hang in there.. I know it's hard!
I am praying for your friend. If you would like a prayer button for him to place on your blog and so we can all place it on ours, go to: http://richgifts.blogspot.com and ask Edie to make you one. She does them free for urgent prayer requests. She is an awesome lady. This is one of her ministries. Just tell her I sent you.
Praying with you,
don't discount your prayers...it is the BEST thing you can do for him!! and we will pray with you.
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