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Jewel in Cambodia Scarves for Cambodia Journals for the Journey

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here we go again....

...back to the grind!  Sadly, Spring Break has ended and I am back in classes at IWU.  I had a good vacation in GC.  I stayed home with my sister and parents, and didn't do much of anything.  I made it out a couple times to dinner with friends, which was nice; went to the Creation Museum, which was good; worked out 3 times, which was necessary; and rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated myself, which was very nice!  I didn't do enough homework, but I did get 1 large project finished and that is a good feeling!!
It is Wednesday, which explains why I am blogging so early in the morning.  Every Wednesday morning at 6:30 I go on a prayer walk across campus.  This morning almost 40 students gathered together with Dr. Lo - an incredible number!  We prayed over the Townhouses and specifically for 2 students, Whitney Reynolds and Samuel Fowler, who have serious physical concerns.  We then went to the PPAC, where we have chapel at 10 and 11 o'clock.  We surrounded him in prayer as he will present a very large vision in chapel later today.  On Saturday March 28th, the Dean of the Chapels Office has organized a Community Prayer Walk, and Dr. Lo is hoping for 1000 students and faculty to represent IWU to Marion and go on a prayer walk through the Marion area.  He is also praying that $10-20,000 be given as an offering to our needy community.
Coming back, I feel overwhelmed, weary, and anxious.  In addition to a long list of school projects, I am feeling heavy pressure and responsibility for leading the trip to Cambodia.  Yesterday, I read in Psalms 46, "Be still and know that I am God." and in Matthew 6:33, "But seek 1st His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Beside that I had written, 'The spiritual person puts the care of their soul before ALL things'  So today, I am resting in His promises, and trusting (but quitting) all my work and responsibilities to Him.

Picture taken by friend Paul Garverick II in Rio Bravo, MX

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