1. Tell me the absolute best way to watch a movie.
During the early or late evening, sitting on a comfortable couch, under a blanket, with the lights off, surrounded by my best friends.
2. Do you ever think about your own funeral? If so, do you have specific ideas about how you would like it to be?
I spend much more time thinking about my wedding, but I have thought about my funeral, only wondering who would be there and who might express the deepest grief.
3. Are you more of a giver or a taker?
A giver. Definitely. (Freely we receive, now freely we will give..)
4. Vacations: planned activities and schedules, or play it by ear?
There are five people in my family (now seven with brother-in-law and niece) and when we go on family vacation, everyone gets to plan the events for one day. Often this means trips to the beach or an amusement park are planned in advance, OR days may only be planned the night before as we are going to bed (in my case, which greatly displeases both type-A sisters.)
5. What is one often overlooked item in your home that needs to be cleaned regularly?
This question is more difficult because I live in a dorm. We do a decent job keeping our space clean, but we are at an advantage because it is so small.

6. Name a cause that means a lot to you.
Human trafficking. Click HERE for a blog I wrote after attending a human trafficking forum. Words that come to mind are: fear, powerlessness, humiliation. Human trafficking is modern day slavery; it is a crime against humanity.
7. Do you eat a regular old peanut butter jelly sandwich, or do you customize it? And by the way, jelly or no jelly?
Recently I have been toasting my bread, and I prefer to use strawberry jam.
8. If we were having a conversation in person, how would I know if you were nervous?
I suppose if I kept repeating myself.
9. Do you have an elaborate bedtime routine, or just the basics of toothbrushing and jammies?
Pajamas are usually on well before I go to bed. Otherwise I wash my face, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, read my devotions, and set my alarm(s). Not too elaborate.
10. Have you ever regretted something you wrote on your blog?
No, but I’m sure if I did I would simply delete it and assume everyone had forgotten.

11. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a famous person or celebrity? Did you agree?
Jessica Biel. Disagree.
12. If you were going to dedicate a song to a loved one or friend, what would the song be and to whom would it be dedicated?
Interesting question! I could name a dozen.