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Jewel in Cambodia Scarves for Cambodia Journals for the Journey

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Yesterday I spoke in chapel at my alma-mater, Lakeview. When Mrs. Conrad asked me way back before Christmas break if I would share, I really wanted to say no because the semester had been awful and I just didn't want to commit to anything else. But, after a few days I decided that I really should do it. She asked me to speak on missions, and I shared a testimony of what God has taught me in each of the places I have been, and how it has really taught me more about Him, and about myself, and how it has all brought me to where I am today -- in transit to moving across the globe to serve Him and love His people.

I've preached in churches and given messages in chapels in a few different places, but never without a translator! [Actually on some occasions, I was the translator!] So, I was pretty nervous to stand in front of some old teachers and peers, without the security of a translator standing next to me, BUT I had a translator in my heart! I was nervous about the presentation of His message, but I felt confident that God has given me a message to share.

This is a short video I made using pictures and film from my two trips to Cambodia. I love love love these lyrics! It's called I Saw What I Saw by Sara Groves. The song really speaks to me about where God has taken me, and how those experiences have taught me and changed me, and really have brought me to where I am today!

I saw what I saw and I can't forget it
I heard what I heard and I can't go back
I know what I know and I can't deny it

Something on the road
Cut me to the soul


Keetha Broyles said...

You did a fabulous job, and in case you wondered - - - you didn't look one bit nervous.

Proud of you.

Andrea said...

Praying GOD spoke deeply to each heart and made a profound you may not see, but that will last a lifetime. GOD BLESS YOU! for being a faithful servant!!
Hugs and prayers, andrea

Hazel said...

I would have loved to listen to you talk. Thanks for sharing the video. Well done.