1. Things crossed off my to-do list
My planner was full everyday this week with assignments and meetings and reminders, and before the afternoon is over, I'LL HAVE EVERY BULLET CHECKED OFF MY LIST! Now of course that doesn't include: 'Eat' and 'Rest' but I think I'll be able to manage those before the evening is over! Some of the ridiculous things on my to-do list this week included: put trash bag in trash can, tell Prof. Wilson that I'll be absent Wed., and take a nap [yes, take a nap.] I seriously had to write everything down this week -- not because I would forget, but because it would be naturally set aside for other things on my list to be done first. So yes, I wrote 'Eat' and 'Rest' on my planner everyday this week! CUH-RAE-ZEE!
2. Give Me Jesus by Fernando Ortega
This is beautiful song, and sung by a beautiful voice. We sang this song on Sunday evening last week at the Horizon and it's been the song of my heart everyday this week. I'll be transparent and say that I have been a little discouraged this week, and I not only NEED Jesus but I WANT Jesus. Gracious, wowie! He is so so so good and I am so so so blessed!
This video was recorded as a tribute to Billy Graham's wife, Ruth.
In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.
3. Naps
There is nothing as refreshing as a short power nap! This particular nap on Wednesday found me on the dirty floor in our suite, backpack on, coat on, for 30 minutes before dinner. After a 6:30am prayer walk and speaking in chapel, I was too tired to even walk a step further to the futon! Pathethic! This is legit ladies - LEGIT.
4. A heart to serve
A small group of people from my church, after hearing about the earthquake in Haiti, decided within only a few days to GO. Earthquake hit Monday. On Sunday they went forward. This morning they left. For Bob, it meant making an 8-hour roundtrip to Chicago to apply for a passport. Their hearts are broken for God's hurting people.
5. Accountability
Keeps me reading my Bible.. keeps me running those miles.. Enough said there!
That is a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL song! I've never heard it before... Thank you!
Great list! I need a power nap, too.
Blessings, andrea
Naps are INDEED a wonderful thing. Esp. when photographed. ;D haha! That's really funny. Well, I hope it was a useful power nap!
And it's awesome to cross things off the To Do list as well. Congrats on that!
Have a great weekend!
enjoyed your FFF and LOVE that song!!!
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Great song.
LOL. That pic brings back memories of my hubby after early morning prayer walks. He'd pass out right where he was too. I'd wake up to find him halfway in the living room and halfway into the entryway.
Great five!
You were tired!
I love that song too - one of my favourites.
Accountability - need it and glad for it.
I love crossing things off my to-do list, too. Didn’t do it so much this week. Maybe next?
Love the Jesus song. “Give me Jesus”—what we all need to say.
LOL! That photo delights me! I get that tired sometimes too but I don't think I've ever had a nap with a backpack on!
Have a wonderful week. :)
A very beautiful song. I've never heard it before.
power naps are always great and I love how you wrote down everything.
p.s. - my heart goes out for your friend Nick. I will be thinking and praying for him.
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