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Friday, October 02, 2009

A new fashion of "to-do" lists.

Sorry about the quality of this image; it was taken with my phone. It's also off-centered because my camera takes horizontal pictures, but presents the images on a vertical screen.

ANYWAYS, those notes taped across the top of my desk are my new to-do list for this weekend. Every time I look up, these notes haunt me. Hopefully it will keep me disciplined, but right now it's only overwhelming. But, it's only eight things right? I can do it.

1) Finishing Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and writing a four-mat reflection due Monday.
2) Writing a practicum and devotional reflection and identifying my "Key Result Areas" for my Evangelism and Global Outreach practicum (Tuesday.)
3) Answering questions for chapter 2 of my Development Theory class. Which is interesting, because we were already quizzed over chapter 2's material.. but we are just now doing the chapter questions.
4) Reading and reviewing my notes for my first World Civ. exam on Tuesday night.
5) Writing a speech of self-introduction and preparing my devotions for Speech on Wednesday.
6) Choosing a book about globalization, reading it in its entirely, and writing a report for Development Theory class on Thursday.
7) Completing extensive research about evangelistic meta-narratives, in preparation for a group presentation meeting next week.
8) Starting my Theology handbook and preparing for the 1st exam next Monday.

I anticipate being productive tonight considering it's Friday and all my friends are going out to enjoy the weekend, and I'm staying in my room with the door closed and the music off (maybe). However, tomorrow morning and afternoon I will be volunteering at the homecoming information desk, and then my sister, bro-in-law, and niece are coming to visit.

I wish I could tear the next 3 weeks out of my planner. :(

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